Milin are educational toys made
made of safe, certified materials.
From plywood to paper, everything is well thought out!
And we would like to tell you more about it.
Latest blog articles
Dzieci powinny uczyć się bawiąc i bawić ucząc, wiemy to, dlatego pod tym kątem zaprojektowaliśmy wszystkie zabawki.
5 reasons why you should give your child an interloper
5 reasons why you should give your child an interloper During a child’s formative years, each toy serves an educational and developmental purpose. It provides emotional, intellectual as well as physical growth. Fine motor skills are very important for toddlers and young children. They can help to build their self-reliance, and going forward can help… continue reading
Toy of the Year 2022
Numbers for learning to count and Alphabet with Braille system awarded in the 2022 Toy of the Year competition! Another product from our studio received an honorable mention in this prestigious event. I’ll admit that we didn’t expect it, as there were many interesting and innovative brands with unique toys in the competition this year…. continue reading
Milin x British Vogue
W ostatnim kwartale Brytyjski Vogue zaprosił nas do współpracy, w ramach której nasze zabawki pojawiły się w selekcji Magic of Imagination pośród innych pięknych marek. Nie ukrywamy, że jest to dla nas duże wyróżnienie i bardzo dziękujemy za tę możliwość. Przybliżę Wam pokrótce tematy wydań, w których pojawiły się milinowe twory. OCTOBER ISSUE 2022 Timothée… continue reading